ARC ls26 vs.SF Line-3/se

Does anyone have any experience with these 2 preamps?.I own a Line-3/se and was thinking about making a move to a ARC Ls-26.Does this move make sense at all??
Not really. While a very good preamp, the ARC isn't reference quality like the Line 3/se is. There are very few preamps that rank with the Line 3/se on all levels. For tube lovers who want neutrality, dynamics, balance, resolution, a beautiful midrange, musical truth, plus a high degree of functionality, the Line 3/se is hard to beat. Just some of the reasons owners seldom part with them even though it's several years out of production.
I have both a Line 3SE+ and the ARC Ref3.

Frankly, hard to say one is better. The Ref3 does throw a bigger soundstage across, while the Line 3 has a deeper soundstage - take your pick there. The Ref3 at first seems to be more dynamic, but then you realise the Line 3 has more control, less euphony, even though it has more tubes. I have found the Ref 3 benefits from a high end PC (20 amp) whereas the Line 3 is less sensitive, though I use a fantastic Granite audio silver PC to wring out the last bit of transparancy. Remote on the Line 3 much more funky. If you speak to Chris at PCX he will tell you the OP amp upgrade with new power supply is a big difference over Line 3SE and I bet the OP ams in the Ref 3 are cheaper?

I wanted to sell one of these - but am totaly conflicted!! In other words either amp will give you much satisfaction, as god as it gets and will never be the weak part of your system, especially with the balanced connections they both have. Both amps are dead quiet, same as solid state in this area, maybe slightly less noise (ear pressed to a ribbon tweeter) with the Line 3 matched with my SF Power 3's (another great bargain in Audio, no better implementation of push pull design IMHO, but needs the right tube complement to perform best).

Let me know if you want more detail
Radical Steve,

You've jumped up a model and about $3500 in price. Spaz is asking about the ARC Ls26, not the Ref 3.