budget tube preamp dilema

hey guys, i am having a hard time choosing what to buy and will have a lil tax money to buy a budget tube preamp to replace my p.o.s dynaco pat4, my problem is my only source for know is a rega p2 w/shure m97x cartridge i have a nad pp2 phono pre into the dynaco out to a b&k st202 into vandersteen 2c1 via kimber 8tc biamped w audioquest g snake interconnects ,it is sweet but i need to try a tube pre
i would love to get a rogue metis but really cant afford more than $500-600 max, i am thinking about just buying a bellari vp129 for $200 but there is no expandability,there are a lot of three input linelevel tube preamps out there but i would have to use the nad pp2, and eventually i plan on adding a tuner & cd player as money allows but can only buy 1 piece at a time (moneys tight!)
what should i do? are there any other tube preamps w/ a phonostage and 2 line inputs i should consider?
thanks in advance!
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I have both a TAD-150 Signature and a CJ PV-10, both are excellent tubed preamps for the money. As was mentioned, there is a TAD 150 for sell here at a reasonable price (I have no connection to the seller). I have had both in my main system at times and have employed both phono stages there. Both are on the warm side, the PV10 being the warmer of the two, and cast a nice soundstage and either match well with tube or SS amps. The PV-10 of course has a tubed phono stage while the phono stage in the TAD is SS. Therefore, the phono stages sound a little different. The 150 seems to resolve a little better but the PV10 is a little more mellow. I would not hesitate to recommend either in the $500-600 used price range.
Here you go, Elizabeth. $600 obo and has been up for sale for a week.

I remember reading lots of posts here and on Audio Asylum raving about this preamp over the years, is it really that good?
I had one I bought new in 89 for 1900 and its that good.Still with Counterpoint after many years,go for it,which is not to say the others mentioned are slouches either.Lots of choices at that pricepoint,good luck,Bob
do you guys think the nad would be ok into a line level tube pre? like a van alstine or similar?