Preamp/DAC combo suggestions

I am currently using a Paradisea tubed DAC and an Eastern Electric Minimax. While this combo sounds excellent and I believe each piece is an overachiever in its price range, I am looking to do two things:
a) Move up the food chain a little, getting more resolution and refinement.
b) Reduce shelf space used by the components. Following a move last year, I really would like to eliminate one footprint, reducing clutter and getting a bit of domestic relief.

Multiple inputs are welcome although at the moment I can get by with only one if the unit's other attributes overcome this limitation. Remote is preferred if fairly transparent but not necessary.

Budget is $2K (less is fine) and used is my preference. Have already tried Benchmark and found it too clinical. Considering the Monarchy (M24?) but not sure what else fits the bill. Tubed or partly tubed would be an asset, as I believe there should be some tubes, even if only one, somewhere and now the rest of my system is SS.
Get a music hall mambo. It has a great internal DAC. Play with it for a while, then send it to chris johnson at Partsconnextion to get modded. Class A amp, 24/196 DAC, great op-amps and more for way less than $2k.
Yes, make sure either the dac is tube or the pre is tube. I personally don't think both need to be tube, but I'm a tube pre forever type of audio buff. With a tube pre, you can get a wide variety of solid state dacs.