I guess the one yardstick that should be used here to measure the future of ARC is: What has happened at Sonus Faber since they were bought out. Are they now produced in China? I really don't think that the new owners won't try to fix what isn't broken. Remember years ago what happen with Nakamichi? Where is that name plate now? I doubt that investors would risk a few short years of spurt sales hanging on the reputation of a brand like ARC or Sonus Faber. As mentioned McIntosh has actually improved with the influx of money for R&D. They have a broader product catalog than ever before, and still mostly build or finished in Binghamton NY. Hey maybe we will see a ARC Turntable again? I have plans to buy ARC preamp later this years and this doesn't change my plans. I think that they will be around for the forseeable future and continue to held on a High End platform in the audiophile world.
All just one man's opinion of course.
All just one man's opinion of course.