do i need a second amp for my speakers?

I am now currently running a Forte model 3 amp 200 watts a side with a pair of paradigm studio 60's v3, would i benefit at all to spend the money on a second amp to run the tweets? Also how much power would be needed if I do so. Higly doubt I would need another 200 watts. I am currently upgrading all of my system, very slowly I might add, so any advice on upgrades would be fantastic.My current system consits of a forte model 3, belles (ocm 55)pre,and a cambridge 500c cd player. using some decent cables that I have picked up along the way so just looking what to do next.


can you explain that a little more? why would i need a crossover with it already built in to the speakers?

What are you trying to accomplish?

The Paradigms are pretty efficient speakers, so you already have plenty of power. Bi-amping can give you a little better separation, but when you start using different amps things can get pretty tricky...

Like I said, what are your goals?
If you want to bi-amp, add a pair of subwoofers. IMHO, It would be a big waist of money to drive the tweets with their own amps.

Or, spend the extra cash on a better two channel amp.

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You need an ACTIVE crossover or other level matching device unless the gain of the two amps is identical. Otherwise either the highs or the lows will be at a higher volume than the other. Some would also argue that you should physically separate the woofers and tweeters and do the crossover before the amps, to gain maximum benefit. Personally, if you want to go this route and can get matched amps, I would vertically bi-amp with each amp driving one channel. then the rights (or left) of one amp would drive the highs (or lows) of one speaker the other channel of the same amp would drive the other.