A 9 watts beats Passlabs, EAR and YBA ?

Over the weekend, I have listened extensively to the following four different amplifiers and I have decided once and for all that the SET 300B, no negative feedback is the way to go.
The four amplifiers are as follows:
Passlabs X150: very neutral, powerful yet the sound almost very sterile.
EAR 834: very musical, tube mid-range yet sound the least like live music.
YBA 2 High current, Double Transformers: very musical, soft and sound very enjoyable; yet again not like live music.
Audio Note kit one: This is a killer and provided the music is limited to vocals and chamber music. Very good mid-range with good attack and the best like live music; but not very much bass.
However, this listening session made me to want more bass with the SET.
Thinking about the Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-sphere ?
Any comment ?
Please advice
Eldartford, you mean, 'How come the propagation delay in an amplifier causes odd-ordered enhancement and not even ordered?'

To answer this I think you have to look at the components of a square wave -odd ordered harmonics- and then look at what happens when you add a delayed inverted signal to the original signal. The result has a bit in common with what happens to a sine wave when you start adding odd-orders to it- it makes the resulting waveform wider on top and bottom, without changing the frequency. I think the only way you can interpret that is 'odd orders are enhanced'. My take on it anyway...
Atmasphere...Thanks. I still don't get it, but am willing to believe you are correct in your conclusion. Until I run a little simulation anyway :-)