Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-Sphere? Anyone cares

Over the weekend, I have listened extensively to the following four different amplifiers and I have decided once and for all that the SET 300B, no negative feedback is the way to go.
The four amplifiers are as follows:
Passlabs X150: very neutral, powerful yet the sound almost very sterile.
EAR 834: very musical, tube mid-range yet sound the least like live music.
YBA 2 High current, Double Transformers: very musical, soft and sound very enjoyable; yet again not like live music.
Audio Note kit one: This is a killer and provided the music is limited to vocals and chamber music. Very good mid-range with good attack and the best like live music; but not very much bass.
However, this listening session made me to want more bass with the SET.
Thinking about the Cary 805, deHavilland or Atma-sphere ?
Any comment ?
Please advice
Robert, you will not get very much bass out of a SET unless your speakers are extraordinarily SET friendly. If bass is more important to you than the midrange and top end offered by SET's, then I would suggest you look elsewhere.

I have owned the Cary CAD-805AE, and it is definitely made in the USA. The fun thing about this amp is that it is tweakable - both 845 and 211 tubes are supplied. You can also choose between 0 and -10dB negative feedback (but once you try the NFB, you will want to leave it at 0dB). The 845 provides a gorgeous SET sound - the trademark clarity and liquid midrange, and has a lovely full and warm sound. The 211 is slightly less SET-like - it has better control of the bass, but the midrange and top end become more etched. Neither tube handles the bass adequately - bass is insufficient and flabby.

I have never had an opportunity to hear the Atma-Sphere or de Havilland amps, so I can not help you there.
Thinking means to have that image go through the brain or intuition process.
Intuition has many related meanings, usually connected to the meaning "ability to sense or know immediately without reasoning"
For that what I mean is the name Cary 805, deHavilland and Atma-Sphere is always on my mind.
In other words, the audiophile bug is constantly frisking and meddling me for something will never be able to annex; and that is the live sound.
I just wonder for those who cavil and goad on others; have they attend any live musical performance lately?
Do you realize how live music sound to your ear?
May be you have not listen to what a SET smplifier can do?
Here's one reviewer's opinion on the deHavilland:
I could tell you what is even better, at a small fraction of the cost, but, as the Smiths said, "But you'd never believe me."
Guy's I did not post to start an argument.Actually i am interested in the very same three pre amps and looked forward to your valued opinions of them.
The very knowledgeable Sbank's post is extremely helpful.