A 9 watts SET for the Maggies, Heavenly marriage

For the heading, I need to start a new thread; this is because the last thread does not do the Audio Note the justice.
The comparison among all those EAR, Pass labs, YBA and the little, David, Audio Note kit one, does illustrate that if we can relate our live musical experience, the SET certainly rules.
For whatever reasons, I like to have advice on higher powered SET amplifiers for the Maggies
Please advice
Robert, since you like the kit 1, you may want to look at the Audionote Kit 2.

Although only rated at 12wpc, it is significantly more capable than any 300B I have heard, and IMHO somically better in some respects. It seems to have the edge in dynamics and bass and treble response.

It is not a SET, as it is wired in pentode (or tetrode), but it is single ended.

I have owned the AudioNote Meishu 300B integrated but it was a real pain having to service it every now and again - transformers failing, it even went up in smoke one time! Yes, its got a very sweet midrange but unless you are prepared to spend time and money cradling it, your best off with SS. The YBA Passion has some tube-like qualities and is above all, a very musical amplifier. Much cheaper to run the YBA in the long run!
Hello, Everyone,
Currently the Maggies are singing with the Sonic Frontiers Power 3.
Comparatively, the SET still does it better than the Power 3.
SET is the mistress and lover and Power 3 is your wife.
Of course, every time you sleep with the mistress is sweet and the wife, just work.
Try a pair of these: (http://www.caryaudio.com/products/classic/CAD805AE.html)
When trying an SET you may want to check out the Speltz Zero Autoformers which can effectively double, triple or quadruple the impedence of your speakers making them an easier load.