Vienna baby grand

any suggestion for an Amp which can drive my Vienna baby grand.
As I mentioned to Hien Le in a private msg, one attractive solution that should fit the $5K budget, may be to adopt a pair of Rowland 201 (new) or even better 501 (used) monoblocks, then get the new Rowland PC1 Power Factor Corrector unit (new only: $1200). This device fits between the amps and the AC outlet and is said to take the little monos more than 80% up to the magic of the 312. Similar circuitry is already built into the 300 series flagship amps. I am not quite sure if the device can be said to be a line conditioner or a transformer. . . I'll post more info when I find out.
Lot of money to spend on a recommendation. I hope everyone can see by this post why dealers that carry decent equipment
are disappearing. Quite honestly, Sumiko is pretty careful about their dealers and the one in your area that carries these would be able to steer you into an amp that would make those sound simply terrific. Trust your dealer.
Thank you Realhifi. . . I trust my dealer. . . provided he/she agrees with my ears. Regretably, I have this nasty habit of trusting my own ears first. . . odd habit, really.

Or to use the old Reagan adage. . . "trust. . . but verify!"

Last time I agreed with a dealer has been with Soundings ofDenver (Co), who actually recommends wholeheartedly the pairing of Vienna Acoustics speakers with Rowland electronics.