Most important component??

Would like to get some opinions on what you think the most important components in a CD base system are(Amps,Preamps,cd player,speakers,wire,etc).Starting from top(1st)to bottom(last)
My opinion about the components is simple.
System is like a window to a beautiful outdoor scenary.
My window is constructed with 4 layers of glass.
All layers better be transparent or image will get blurry.

5)Accessories, tweaks, cables, voodoo BS.
3)Speakers that match your taste, budget,
room and rest of your equipment
2)Your listening space, acoustics, component sinergy, proper system setup and calibration

I hope not. Without your knowlage, experience and most important passion for music all of the above would mean very,very little.

You need roots to get the fruits.
Duke: Thanks for the comments (compliments), but the monitors you heard in that room were Talon Hawks--not Avalons. At the time you heard them I had no idea we would buy the company--I just thought they were the best suited speaker for the small space I had to work in.
I don't have any room treatments but my room is a relatively small carpeted family room crammed with furniture and stuff; the opposite of ideal.

But Duke, that's an awesome allegory.