PRE_AMP for ATC- actives??

I am running the AC-100's for my main speakers( full 7.2 ATC for movies) would like to separate 2 channel and movies- I am using the Meridian 861 for everything now and was thinking about getting a pre just for music- I have heard that ATC has problems with tube Pre-amps??- Was thinking of the AR REF3 to soften the sound?- any rec. would be very helpful- thanks

That must be 10 Kilo ohm input impedance which is pretty much standard.
ATCs work fine with tube preamps too if our customer's reactions are any indication- of course our preamps have balanced outputs and plenty of drive (not that the ATCs seem to need it).

My experience with active 20s was that output impedance mattered, but gain did not seem to. Both the Joule Electra LA150MkII (8db gain) and the Blue Circle BC3000 MkII (20db gain) worked very well. Both were also balanced in my case, but I personally preferred the Joule. On the other hand, the higher output impedance BAT VK42SE and Art Audio DM-VPS did not work as well in my system. I would think both the Atmasphere and the Sonic Frontiers would also be good choices for ATCs.

The Audio Research is probably at the higher end of what I would want for ATCs (ARC's website suggests 20kohm minimum load), but I have heard from at least one person that it works well.

By the way, in addition to the usual reasons, balanced is helpful with active speakers since many single-ended tube preamps invert phase and you can't fix this by reversing speaker wires as you could with passive speakers.