Tube Pre-amp BAT, ARC, EAR, Sonic Frontiers

Hello everybody
My system is:
Accuphase dp-57
Electrocompaniet AW120
Usher Audio CP-6381

I need a preamp. After reading lots of topics i marked personally: BAT, Sonic Frontiers, ARC and EAR pre-amps. Does anyone have any ideas which one could match better? Or maybe another suggestion?
Unfortunatly I have no possibility to listen to them in my system. EAR is an exeption. I will listen to EAR-864 tomorrow. But I am more inspired of SF and BAT.
Snarkonmars, take a look at my review of the Flora preamp here on the GON, that will give the details why I chose it over many other highly regarded linestages. It is also a price "killer" at $3000.00 compared to much more expensive pieces that it out performs sonicly.
Nice system. You've put a lot of thought into selecting good components that provide synergy. There is tough competition in your price range for a well-designed preamp. I think it will come down to the preamps strengths and what suits your listening experience. Other suggestions:

Aesthetix Calypso $4500
Audio Valve Eclipse $4500
Thank you very much, Lapierre for your kind words and high marks of my system :-) Yes, Aesthetix Calypso is on my list also. I can meet it quite rarely so this was the only reason why i did not put it in my 1 post.
Well I will define my level up research :-)
Sonic Frontiers Line 3
Audio Research LS25 mk2 or?
Aesthetix Calypso
Audio Valve Eclipse
now i also got very positive feedback about Belles 21A though I heard Belles 28A ref (although it is a solid state but remarcable pre!)
Indeed I paid so much attantion to synergy in my system. I've passed a lot of amps and couple of CD-players. Now I love the sound and do not want to spoil it with wrong preamp.
My problem is that I cannot listen to those preamps marked above. I live in Ukraine and here it is a problem. So the only choice is to read a lot then buy it and try it :-)
As i said earlier today I will listen to EAR 864 just to clarify for myself what good preamp can add to my system (i hope add, no subtract :-)
and then I will tell you about my influences.

Thank you
I will add art audio preamp on your list,I personally
recomend Art audio's preamp,for my taste they are very
musical,I used to own audio research preamp,and heard
tube preamps.And Joe is a very nice person to deal with.
Thanks Bon