Tube Pre-amp BAT, ARC, EAR, Sonic Frontiers

Hello everybody
My system is:
Accuphase dp-57
Electrocompaniet AW120
Usher Audio CP-6381

I need a preamp. After reading lots of topics i marked personally: BAT, Sonic Frontiers, ARC and EAR pre-amps. Does anyone have any ideas which one could match better? Or maybe another suggestion?
Unfortunatly I have no possibility to listen to them in my system. EAR is an exeption. I will listen to EAR-864 tomorrow. But I am more inspired of SF and BAT.
I'll put a vote in for the SF Line 3, very good on its right, but if you send it in to Pcx, Chris will turn it into something really really good.
Yeah, SF line 3 was in my short list but at last minute I changed my mind and got Belles. You know it happenes sometimes
I forgot to mention that i am looking for balanced preamp.

Does anybody know the real difference between normal and SE models of SF?
yes with each change there is a jump in performance from normal to se to se+. more transparent, better bass definition, lower noise level...