Joule Electra LA150 MkII or Lamm LL2 Deluxe?

Hi all, I am looking at a new tube preamp in the $2,500 to $4,000 used range, and I could use your help. I have tried many over the past couple of years, and my current short list includes the Joule and the Lamm. I have a wanted ad posted for the Lamm but no response yet. I have read all the stuff on both, and I am not asking for anyone to tell me what to buy, but I am interested in hearing from users about the characteristics of these two preamps, and certainly from any who have compared them directly or owned both. What to you stands out either in a positive or negative way about either of these units and, if you owned one previously, what made you switch to something else. Important to me are quietness, clarity, dynamics, midrange warmth (at least some), and bass depth, texture, and accuracy. Also, regarding the Joule, are the tubes used in that unit available anywhere else other than from Joule, and are they known for being rugged and quiet? My virtual system is accurately posted, except I am using a Zoe preamp and Cary 500MB monos, instead of the Vibe&Pulse and DNA500 shown. Thanks - Tim
To Pubul57, I believe that the plate direct output is the default setting, and according to Jud it is the most direct and best sounding. However, the output impedance from the plate direct is 1,200 ohms, which could be too high for amps with low input impedance like my former McCormack DNA 500 (10K ohms). Taken from the Mu follower circuit, the output impedance is only 100 ohms, so would match with just about any amp. Yes these are jumpers inside the preamp that can be owner-adjusted, and it is explained in the owner's manual. There are 4 jumpers in the LA150 MkII, two (one for each channel) to set the output (Mu follower or plate direct) and two to set gain (4dB or 8dB). If you are interested in discussing further, I can send some pictures and would be glad to go over it with you on the phone.

To Tvad and others, its just one of those things along my mythical search for "just the right" preamp. I have had some very good preamps through here, and the Joule is a very nice one and desirable to many, but ultimately not exactly what I am looking for. I will be trying something else in the near future and will post further thoughts. - Tim
Hi Mitch2, thanks for the explanation, I'm relieved to know that mine is set up with direct output as my amps have 100kohm input impedance - thanks for the explanation.
Anyone hear the ne LA 150MKII Signature Edition? Suppose to be a bit like the 300.
It looks like the LL2 has been recently been upgraded to the LL2.1. Anybody heard the new version? Looks like it may be mostly cosmetic/functional, but they website references new "parts", etc. Also, it looks like it now has a switchable gain feature.
The LA-150 MKII Signature Edition is the LA-150 MKII plus V-Cap OIMP output capacitors.  It also borrows some other internal components from the LA-300ME flagship preamplifier.  These new parts upgrade should give the LA-150 MKII Signature Edition very similar texture as Joule Electra's flagship LA-300ME preamp.  

The LA-150 MKII SE has nearly identical power supply as the LA-150ME (no longer in production as it was replaced by the LA-300ME), but the gain stage is not quite the same as the LA-150ME.  I think the idea was to create a more affordable "best sound for the buck" preamp.

I had the LA-150ME, which I then upgraded to the LA-300ME.  Since the LA-150 MKII SE should be close in performance to the LA-150ME I had, it is a fantastic preamp for the price and most likely the best deal in Joule-Electra's preamp line-up.
