TVC Promethius versus Bent

Any impressions on differences from this that have tried TVCs from both these companies? Also, I'm not sure why a transformer would help over of a passive resistor based attenuator (assuming a very high quality pot)assuming drive, low output impedance source, low capacitance cables, high sensitivity amp with high input impedance (100kohm). If more is less, why isn't adding a transformer just more, though minimal, distortion? Sort of two questions, but I have a high quality passive volume control, but have an interest in the TVC idea, especially these two brands or something made by Kevin Carter.
Pubul57, thanks for the news. A lot of people have been waiting for this unit. How is the warmth factor? Particularly in the mid bass? Have you done a back-to-back comparison with an active?
If by midbass you mean cello or standup bass, I would say both the Joule and the K&K were warmer (I found the K&K to be warmer than I expected from a passive). The Bent TAP-X is certainly balanced in that I feel (in my set up)I don't feel anyone part of the spectrum is highlighted or supressed - I get a satisfactory sense of the whole from top to bottom and very realistic sense of both cello on classical pieces and bass on jazz - and fantastic trumpet and sax. That being said, I think it is more neutral that the Joule in the sense of being a bit tighter and defined, and not quite is "loose" and bloomy - to me it seems like well controlled bass with presence and scale, but not in the overtly warm camp. That is with a Music Reference RM9SE amp that while it uses EL34s, remains a very neutral tube amp. Compared with the K&K, I feel a much better sense of soundstage presence and image specificity based on my memory, not a direct A/B.