Anyone heard the New Luxman gear?

Just wondered if anyone has heard the new Luxman gear? I hear it was introduced at the CES and was pretty impressive.
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xcarey1110

Interesting comment Jaybo, when at CES they were only demoing the solid state gear.

Also their new Tube amplifier the M88 was reviewed extremely favorably by Positive Feedback.

I tried the Stereo 800 model and found it to be by far the best SS amp I'd ever listened with--and I've listened with many expensive models. The 800A demonstrated tremendous control, weight and linearity on my Maxx 2's, yet also delivered beautiful tone and pitch differentiation in the upper octaves. It was decidedly un-solid state like in the midrange and had incredible front-to-back image and sound focus, layering instruments in exact positions within the sound-field. Overall, one of the most complete performing amps in all areas that I have ever heard. Worth a listen.

I own and love my ARC 210's, but if I could have a dream SS amp too, this would be it.


Shunyata Research