conrad johnson CT6 with solid state amp

Has anyone paired the CT6 with a solid state amp? How has this combo worked? Does the sound have a tube like richness? Any other comments on the CT6 would also be welcome.
A used CJ Premier 17LS2 will give you much better sound than the CT6, IMHO. The CT6 is actually very much like the original Premier 17LS ( the "2" version boasts a bunch of teflon caps that make a LOT of difference).

As for "tube-like richness," the newer CJs don't have anywhere near as much of it as the older CJs. Which, to me, is not necessarily a bad thing. Dave
Hi Dopogue...if I recall you had a premier 14 for awhile. How do you like the 17LS2 in comparison?
I can't speak to the CT-6 but my premier 16 is connected to my premier 350 ss and the sound is fantastic. The tubed pre gives all the tube richness and the ss amp provides the muscle needed to handle the speaker. Kind of the best of both worlds.
The Premier 3 had all the fabled tube richness anyone would want. Don't get me wrong -- the newer CJs are plenty musical, but I associate "tube richness" with a degree of coloration I no longer admire. Yes, I had a Premier 14, and the Premier 17LS2 was a giant step ahead. Lost my CJ allegiance, though, having gone to an Aesthetix Calypso. Everything the Prem 17 did, the Calypso does better, IMHO, but the main reason I bought it was its polarity switch, on the front panel AND on the remote.