Straight wire and gain linestage?

I'm looking for a linestage without controls except for volume and selector switch. Even without balance control would be cool. Does anyone know of such for $1000 or less? It can be pre-owned. Lynne
The units from Promethius seem to be in the price range; their top of the line mono-dual box units are about $1100.
Hi, Pubul. I found your thread where you talked about the K & K. I found the Prommitheus. It's probably what I should get. I thought I should check out gain stages first. I'm sort of a doubter now on the passives. But the tvc might work. Lynne ( I found the ELAD. There is also a Lead.)
Arnettpartners, I'm not sure a TVC will work for you, but I am positive it will be far better than most any other active anywhere near the price - but you do have match the system well, a bit less of an issue with a TVC that other passives. Another issue is input sensitivity of the amp and the volatage output of the source. In my system all those issues work well, and my passive TVC is one heck of a great pre, competitive [better] with some mighty fine actives I've had in my system from CAT, Lamm, and Joule.
6 decibels of gain would be enough, I'm sure. I've got Rothwell attenuators on the amp right now. It's a goal to get rid of those eventually, but I've got four of them on the 4 channel amp because in the interum I refoamed my AR 9's and have them biamped. 4 EVS attenuators are about $1k, and then I have no selector switch. Endler is cheaper but he's buried in backorders. But the Rothwells are dull. Thanks for advice. Lynne
OK. I don't know how to predict the outcome of those issues. I'll probably have to try one. Thanks. Lynne