Balanced tube preamp for Class D amps

Need a balanced tube preamp for Class D monoblocks - specifically NuForce Ref9V2. Have too many XLR ICs to consider change to RCAs. Limited to $3k max (new or used). What preamps have worked well for you? Thanks.

Best regards,

I'll second the Audio Horizons TP 2.0, it sounded ultra liquid and dynamic with the NuForce.
John -

My ARC puts out very little heat as there are only 2 tubes, the Calypso has 4 total I think.

I wouldn't worry about heat with a tubed pre-amp... now a power amp is a different beast entirely. My Levinson SS amp put out much more heat than my ARC pre does.

Can you add a quiet fan to your room? :)

Take care

really interested in your take on the Capri. I own one and am now getting the Synergy 2i. I will post my findings about the Capri and Synergy at a later date.

Seeing that some of my peers from the Audio Horizons club have commented I'll throw my 2 cents in.The AH will be an excellent choice,it out performs the Calypso,can say that coz I had one,and its price point for performance makes it one of the best values in audio.
I use the Audio Horizons TP 2.0 (with XLR) to a Spectron Musician Class-D amp.

Love it.