Do I need a pre-amp?

What a dumb question, you may be thinking! (you'd be right)
But... I have recently purchased a Sony SCD-1 and will listen to it through headphones only (my budget and neighbors don't allow anything else). So I have also a Musical Fidelity headphone amplifier and good Sennheiser headphones. Some fellows here told me that this configuration is enough. HOWEVER, could the sound be improved by adding a pre-amplifier between the CD player and the headphone amplifier? Any suggestions if the answer is affirmative? Thanks again to all and sorry for my low level questions. I'm just new to this.
Pedro (horcalh)
If the SCD has a real headphone amp then it would probably be fine. But if not a headphone amp would be the next best and could still be an improvement.
If you are not satisfied with the sound from the SCD-1/MF/Senn rig then I would get a better headphone amp or better phones. A pre-amp will not add anything. The Senns can be a bit laid back but to my ears they are very non-fatiguing and comfortable.
In theory using a pre-amp shouldn't be necessary and it certainly is a 'wait and see' thing. However, the synergy issue is always present and the insertion of a specific tube pre-amp with selected tubes could change the sound/tone of the source if you don't like it. It is a much more effective way IMHO than changing headphones or headphone amps.
Fellow audiophiles!
Thank you all for your helpful suggestions. I really can't wait to receive the SCD-1 and start messing on it. Nevertheless, I will replace my current headphone amplifier sooner or later (MF XCAN-V3) for a better one. But now it's time to enjoy the SCD-1 and see how it sounds such a serious device. I should expect a big improvenent because, until now, I was listening my CDs with an old Discman!
Pedro (horcalh)
Have fun, Pedro. Remember that your headphones probably have the greatest effect on the sound of your "system" and that some headphones have unusual impedence characteristics that make them work better with certain headphone amps. Read up on them at