03-14-08: Douglas_schroeder
Kiwi, Ah, I got your attention, did I? It is a most unusual, and excellent performing set up! I like trying alternative methods as they sometimes yield wonderful results.
Yes, it certainly caught my attention. Thank you!
I've had a read of your Classic One MKIII review and of course i've read your LFT review several times. A couple of questions if i may?
1) I take it that it is definately confirmed that the MKIII can accept up to 5 volts input from the source? Reason i ask is that its not uncommon for balanced XLR signals to be >=3dB higher than unbalanced which is usually around 2 volts.
2) I went to the Pathos site and could not find dimensions for the MKIII. Do you have them? If you sit them side by side on the shelf - what width is required?
3) Your article quotes power (bridged) at 170 watts into 8 ohm. I dont see that quoted on Pathos site. Did the manufacturer provide you with that particular spec?
4) In your earlier LFT review you also tried Channel Island D200 monoblocks. Do i take it you prefer the bridged Pathos over the CI product?
5) If you were to pick just one highlight of the synergy between the Pathos and the LFT's - what would that be?