Best budget preamp for Aragon 8008bb and Thiel 3.6

I am rounding out my "new to me" system. So far I have Thiel CS3.6's. For this very hard to drive speaker pair I have an Aragon 8008bb on order. Next are the preamp and source. The vintage and costs of the previous on the used market should give you some idea of where I am price wise.

I am not particularly interested in looks or bells and whistles. Sound is what counts. I once called myself a "connoiseur of the most for the least". Well, that's not quite true, but if I can get it done for less my wife is happy, and when my wife is happy I feel like a King!

I once again turn myself to those more expert than I (that means you)!

Thank you for any ideas you may have on a preamp for me,
I used a cj PV-10 (tubed pre)with my 3.6's before moving on to a premier 16 and liked it very much. It was mated to a carver m500t and later a cj mf2500a.
Ditto on CJ PV10a, but if you need a remote. Try an used Sonic Frontier Line-1.
There is a PV-10 out there for $550. Is this a good deal? How do I know if the tubes are any good? How long to tubes last in preamps?

Thank you,
Unlike power amp tubes pre-amp tubes last a long time and are inexpensive ($10-$15 a piece). I replace mine every 3-4 years. CJ's web site I believe mentions 5 years with what they deem as normal play time about 20 hours per week. I have heard of people going 10 years on pre-amp tubes.

The PV-10 line stage has two tubes one per channel.

That price is very consistant with what I see them listed for and they sell rather quickly.

I would highly recommend this pre-amp it really works well with the Thiels. You can always sell it and never lose a cent on it if you don't like it.

Czbbcl, how do you thing this pre-amp would sound as compared to a Bottlehead Foreplay III? I can actually get one of these kits for less than the CJ and it seems like it has more going for it, like new tubes for example. It also has more tubes and seems to be a bit more advanced in design than the CJ.

Is this correct?

Thank you,