Sonic Frontiers Line 3 pcX upgrade

I have a SF Line 3 and is thinking of getting the SE+ upgrade from pcX. I would like to seek comments from other members who have got this upgrade. What are the improvements and is it worth the price?

Thanks in advance
I did it with a Line 2SE and the result was a much quiter and transparent preamp. I had them put it vcaps as opposed to the audio notes though and the Burr Brown chips.
Cpk, thanks for your comment. It looks like not that many members has got the pcX upgrade.
I had my Line 3 upgraded with the Audio Note Silver caps.
I also have a Phono 1 that was up-graded by the parts connexion to SE++
I was lucky to have a factory Line 3 SE unit at my house to compare with my unit both before and after.
I have always liked the sound of the Line 3, the factory line 3 is a step up to the stock unit...I noticed it mostly in the musicality of the mids, with a slightly better bottom end.
After receiving the unit back from Chris I immediately noted that the modded Line 3 was now better than the factory Line 3 way for me to describe this is "It does everything better"
I also replaced the volume chips, my Line 3 is an older production with the "REL or Solen" caps on the outside of the heat sinks, not the newer Wima rectangle Caps. When I first received the unit back there was an audible "measurable" hiss coming from the speakers (I recall it being 10db ??? louder than the factory SE model)
I contacted Chris and his reply was simple...send the unit back on his dime and also could I send the factory SE to compare. Received both units back witn no hiss but the original volume chip (Chris said the newer one increased the noise floor by 1 or 2 db).
After letting the unit "form and settle" for a few months I put the factory SE into the system...there is a difference, the modded SE is a better sounding unit.
My Line 3 has a problem with humidity where it will cut the volume from the listening level to 30 intermittantly ???. Have though about picking up another Line 3 to replace mine, if I did I would most certainly send it to Chris to have his up-grade done. (I also have Power 3's that will eventually be sent for an up-grade)
This has been my experience, hope it helps
Have had PCX SE+ upgrades done on Phono 1; Line 3 and Power 3's - in each case the improvement is noticeable and brings the units up to world class standards without changing the sonic house sound character of dynamic, lean accuracy, transparency and control. For me, the SF sound is a trade off between a somewhat cool and extended sonic realism versus tubey bloom, harmonics & warmth. I could be ultra critical and say SF gear to some would lack a degree of timbre compared to the ARC house sound - but you can't have everything.

I had the volume OP amp upgrade done at the same time as the SE+, so I can't define that particular improvement, but I have the feeling my ARC REF3 would be even better if they used the same quality OP amps in their processor.

The SE+ upgrades seem to remove that last bit of a veil in the standard units. I also retubed using Chris's recommendations and as much as I tried never found any improvement with NOS tubes.

One benefit of the SF gear is it is dead quiet - equal to SS gear in my home. No hums, buzz, tube rush at all - and I have ribbon speakers that can hiss like hell. The Line 3 SE+ competes with my ARC REF 3 - the REF 3 has more soundstage depth and width, extended top, but less control. The Line 3 has more focus, better placement of instruments, increased bottom end definition, pin point staging and linear top end. The Power 3's have better base balance than my previous Bryston 7b SST's which had more punch but were uni -dimensional. I have never heard any tube equipment with same grip as SF gear on the low end.

PCX are great to work with, fast turnaround and the equipment has been 100% reliable. Bottom line - major improvement with the SE+ upgrades and well worth the money, high value IMHO.