new experience with my passive preamp

Promised to relay my recent acquisition experience of the passive
pre-amp as opposed to my active beaut.
Well, after four or five hours of listening, the benefits
of the Placette remote volume control is clearly audible.
My system: Lamm amps, Avantegarde Duo speakers, Mark
Levinson 390S processor. Replaced the Lamm DL11, deluxe.
Note well: the AV Duos are very sensitive and the bottom
end may still be too loud unless a mod is added to lower
the volume.
With an output impedance of 10 ohms and max output of 2.225 volts, the Levinson 390S looks like a perfect source for a passive preamp. What ICs are you using?

Some owners say the Placette is soft in the low end. What's your experience?

How are the dynamics?
Using LAT International IC's. Re low end, the Avantgardes
have so much bass, no loss is noted or ever a problem.
Transparency, dynamics, music engagement clearly depend
solely on the source material. Poor CD's are clearly
revealed. Here "Garbage in, garbage out" is so obvious.