I hope not. George was a great guy who really helped out with I had a VDH Black Beauty damaged in shipping. The dealer just left it to us to sort out and didn't do anything except give me Stanalogs phone number. George took it from there. Thank God somebody helped out with a damaged $5k cartridge.
I did understand that there was some discussion that VDH had a problem in turn around time with Stanalog
due to George's desire to ship them many carts at once for repair, rather than be bothered with 100's of little shipments. This was played up as if George was creating some artificial shortage or delay in VDH repair.
From my dealing with him, I don't think he did anything of the sort. I'll miss him. I think he was one of the old guard gentlemen of audio with a good ear and the integrity to give you his honest opinion.
I did understand that there was some discussion that VDH had a problem in turn around time with Stanalog
due to George's desire to ship them many carts at once for repair, rather than be bothered with 100's of little shipments. This was played up as if George was creating some artificial shortage or delay in VDH repair.
From my dealing with him, I don't think he did anything of the sort. I'll miss him. I think he was one of the old guard gentlemen of audio with a good ear and the integrity to give you his honest opinion.