Experts: Why is preamp important?

I know that's a naive question, but the real question is how important a preamp upgrade is relative to the rest of a system. I've heard the statement "a preamp owns the signal", but I don't know what that really means in terms of ultimate sound. For example, is preamp to amp like a transport to a dac, whereby most people would contend that a great dac with a cheap transport can still sound great? I've upgraded my front speakers in a HT system to B&W n803s/HTM1. I currently use a 130wpc Pioneer VSX49tx HT receiver. Obviously I can get better sound from better amplification, and I'm considering a separate integrated amp for the fronts. But the question is can I still make a great improvement using the pioneer's pre-outs to a much better amplifier? Where should I really spend my money? Thanks much. This forum has been tremendously helpful, and I'm sure this thread will do the same.
French fries: I'm a little slow on the uptick. Who do you mean by "you know who"?
Slbenz: your preamp improvement seems to be relative to a HT environment. Did you see equal improvement in 2 chnl sound? I didn't think the MCACC system (and it's equalization) impacted 2 chnl listening much, and not at all in "direct" mode.
To all: the question remains - am I "double processing" the signal using pre-outs to an integrated, and how much negative imapct will this have? Would I be better off with an amp switcher instead?

I assume your preamps are correctly designed to render interconnect differences moot. I can assure you that there are reviewers out there who will let you know that interconnects do indeed make a difference with your preamps. Now who do I trust....reviewers with golden ears, or the manufacturer....hmmm :)

Yes, the Pioneer did affect my 2-channel is a positive way as it did my 5.1 Magnepan set up. Mid and low bass was much improved and the highs were not as harsh. In regards to the "Direct Mode", I think you mean the Pure Direct mode which doesn't take in account the MCACC equalization. Direct mode still uses the receiver's processing.
Yeah, I-don't-know-who either.
I would say that running the signal through 2 budget priced preamps is going to do more harm than good. I would even say that running the signal through 2 high end pre-amps will probalby detract noticably fromthe sound, compared to just 1 preamp. (Althogh I have not tried an Atma-Sphere pre-amp)
Ralph - Does the interconnect between the source and the pre-amp run into the same problem as if you were to run the interconnect directly to the amp?
HI MR. JEFFKAD, i didn't want to recommend any specific manufacturers- i can only go by what i have seen and auditioned in person. my personal biases lean towards krell, levinson, rowland, etc., iow, "you know who i mean".
a nice rowland concentra-2 would, imho, make you a very happy audiophile. perhaps you would prefer a levinson-383. or you could pick up a rowland consonance preamp with a surprisingly good phono stage built in for $1200. after a few hours/days of listening you will be so happy you bought something at this level that the whole discussion above will be rendered moot.