French fries: I'm a little slow on the uptick. Who do you mean by "you know who"?
Slbenz: your preamp improvement seems to be relative to a HT environment. Did you see equal improvement in 2 chnl sound? I didn't think the MCACC system (and it's equalization) impacted 2 chnl listening much, and not at all in "direct" mode.
To all: the question remains - am I "double processing" the signal using pre-outs to an integrated, and how much negative imapct will this have? Would I be better off with an amp switcher instead?
Slbenz: your preamp improvement seems to be relative to a HT environment. Did you see equal improvement in 2 chnl sound? I didn't think the MCACC system (and it's equalization) impacted 2 chnl listening much, and not at all in "direct" mode.
To all: the question remains - am I "double processing" the signal using pre-outs to an integrated, and how much negative imapct will this have? Would I be better off with an amp switcher instead?