Choice on a $3,000 to $5,000 SS amp

hey everyone what's a good choice for a solid state amp that will be pushing a pair of Avalon Eclipse speakers. My price range will be from $3,000 to $5,000 new or used.
Ayre V-5xe or Ayre V-1xe; any of the big Pass amps.

There are a set of BAT VK-1000 monoblocks for sale now-I'd think about those, in addition to the VK-220 & VK-250.

Owned both Ayre pieces, currently have the VK-200, which is in the same family as VK-1000 & have listened extensively to the VK-220 (w/BAT pack) and have listened extensively to a Pass 350.
I had the Ayre V-1XE and did a home audition of the Pass 350.5. I preferred the Ayre. But the Pass was also nice.
Should be able to find one used in your price range.
how many watts do you need? If 30 is enough, I doubt there is any ss better than Pass XA30.5 or used XA60s. Although Ayre would certainly be on my short list.
There are some Cary mb500's for sale in your price range (used). I love mine and they will drive anything. I had Rowland monos before and wasn't happy with class d.

The Ayre is nice but monoblocks are so good at so many things...

Can't go wrong with Pass either. The 250.5 or 350.5 will not disappoint.