Tube preamp with balanced in/out and remote?


I'm looking for a tube preamp with one (or more) balanced inputs, one balanced and one single ended pre-out (for sub), and a remote for volume. I want something a touch warm sounding and preferably around $1000. I know the BAT's have these features and have seen the Sonic Frontiers might but both are up there in price. Are there any good (or great) alternatives in lower price ranges?


I have owned the Sonic Frontiers Line 1, and in my opinion I find it to be quite neutral and not warm-sounding. In fact, the sound was rather flat across the spectrum. Tubes used were Sovteks and Amperex.

If you want a warm sound, I would suggest that you look elsewhere other than Sonic Frontiers and ARC, which I currently own.
The Marsh p2000b preamp has warmth and a great sound stage, rivaling preamps much more expensive. You can sometimes find one on eBay for around $750 or so, used. The remote controls balance and volume.
