Bookshelves for McIntosh ma6300 Integrated?

Taking the plunge and buying a McIntosh before the retail goes up. Have a good deal for 2,500k new. Want to bundle some bookshelves for further negotiations. Can you recommend the best pairing of my new 6300 with the following brands: Definitive Audio, Monitor Audio, Vienna Accoustic, Sonus Faber. 2k is my max for the bookshelves.

Thanks ahead of time.
If you dont mind me asking where are they giving you that great deal? I live in the los angeles area. I know one store that has it on sale for $2850 Magnolia AV. I too am thinking about getting the 6300 integrated before the price increase. Im also thinking about a Nad 315bee and peachtree audio decco since the price for me of the Mac is pretty high. I know I would keep the 6300 forever though so that is an incentive.
M AV should come down. They bottomed out at 2575. Promised to bundle a better deal as well.
Which one did you go to? Why do they never have any in stock, just in their warehouse? I guess Im a baby about it but if Im gonna pay that much it would be nice to take it home and not have to make an extra trip to the store.
VA in Rosewood are matched with Musical Fidelity A308 power amp in my HT. Sounds is incredible with lots of detail.
Holla, have them send the model that you want to your local store. Should not be a problem.