how does rogue zeus compare cat or atma-sphere?

I was wondering if anyone has compared rogue's flagship model Zeus with the likes of cat or atma-sphere. Is the rogue a total giant killer or is it not in the same league as those mentioned above. Any thoughts would be much appreciated.
You are starting with the assumption that the more expensive pieces are as good or better than the still expensive but more reasonably priced unit. In my experience that is a bad assumption.
I would think it would be hard to compare the zeus and cat with the atmasphere amps as it would be transformers vs OTL;which are 2 completely different species of amps with completely different designs.
If you were driving a 16 ohm speaker my money is on ralphs design (atmasphere) and I think it would win hands down over the other 2.
If the speakers impedance curve dips below 4 ohms I would think it would be a very close match with the CAT probally winning; thats my opinion though.
You should compare for yourself and see what happens;probally would be a good learning experience.
Jeff_jones, I agree with your general point that price does not equal quality, and there are many instances of that. In the case of CAT and Atma-sphere I would say that rule does not apply, they are expensive and they deliver SOTA amp performance -- which does not mean the Rogue isn't in their league, but I have not heard it.
Pubu157 - Too bad none of us has heard all 3 so we can help with the original question. In any case, no debate with your comments. To the original poster I only intended too share my experience. What I have found is that buying an amplifier is a bit analogous to buying a pool cue. At a pretty reasonable price point a good manufacturer can do everything that can be done for the sake of performance, the important thing in choosing for performance is to find the feel that suits your personal preference. Beyond a pretty reasonable price point (and you can go wayyy beyond if you wish) the purchase is about pride of ownership and exclusivity, just need to make sure that the feel of the cue remains top priority.