Can pass labs ax160 macth b&w 802d ?

Can some one tell me about that amp pass labs ax160 can macth b&w 802d ? What of this amp is best to 802d :pass labs ax160 v mark levinson Nr436? Thanks!
Dennistran, here's the answers to your two questions:

1) Pass Labs XA 160 monoblocks do not double down as impedence decreases, so they would drive your 802's, but a better match would be the new XA 160.5's that do double down in lower impedences and offer more current. I own Pass Labs XA-100's and love their performance in my system. If you want more information on the sonics of the XA amps go to my review here on the GON.

2) Based on my personnal taste I find the Pass Labs XA amps much more "musical" with much more liquidity then the ML amps. I just recently listened to the ML amps again, and still find the XA series amps to offer much more to my ear's what music sounds like.
I used to own the 802d and the XA160. I dont disagree with teajay's assessment of the XA's power limitations and sound. I personally think you want to look into amps that are more dynamic and transparent. To me the 802d has a great midrange but it is a bit slow. Its as if it was designed specifically for jazz and female vocal jazz. Mating the XA to it may create too much of a good thing. If you are open to other suggestions, I would look at Ayre amps. My local dealer runs the Ayre with 802d.