fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Mr D- And you know this because you have tried a variety of power cords and hi-end fuses, and found that they made no difference what-so-ever in your system, Right? Certainly you wouldn't make those statements without having established some facts, one way or the other. I mean- This can't just be one of those unsubstantiated, uninformed opinions from an everything-sounds-the-same smoke blower can it?
Dkzzzzzzzzzzzzz...WAKE UP MAN!! Stupidity may be forgiven, but ignorance is incurable. Now step away from your bose radio.
I repeat::
Double blind testing.
somebody does / does not make a change.
Can you tell?
Repeat until a statistically valid sample is gathered.

Repeat AGAIN with several different people.

On a simple, yes-no change, 50% is guessing.

Everything else is just anecdotal.

AND, for the record, I won't say these changes, even the fuses dont' matter, but PROVE it with statistics.
Prove it with statistics? Last I noticed, I wasn't listening to statistics.