fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
a couple months ago there was an article and a couple of threads on Krell finally going out... They might be still operational, I don't know, maybe somebody saved them with a checkbook, again I don't know.

Gold end caps have nothing to do with it, it is the better element and vibration control inside not limiting the current or something like that which matters in this case I would assume...
Magfan - I know I am a bit too shy in my approach and often do not make my point; alas, it's a fault, but what's a mother to do? Thanks for the reminder of repeatability - I knew there was a reason that most of the work I did for medical researchers had to do with replicating experiments - I wonder if the fuse guys replicate their subjective double blind studies. What? there are no double blind studies of what someone's highly reliable ear tells them? Surely you jest! My Faraday cage works great - Norah Jones (or is it Grace Jones) sounds sparkling, there is just a cleaner expressiveness with fuller tones and more depth. I hope yours works out as well. Sure its expensive and a lot of work, but its worth it.
I have one of each...Norah and Grace. (nightclubbing, one cut of which made it to a Harrison Ford movie)...name it for 10 bonus points.

I suggest we drop this line. People have many ingrained prejudi. I don't understand the strawman reference of a few posts back. Am I supposed to be ashamed that I try to bring a little logic and reason to this discussion? Somebody tell me WHY audiophiles are afraid of DBTing?

By the way......Fuses are SUPPOSED to have a little piece of wire in them...that's how they work. As for a vibrating wire! Why would it vibrate and what effect would it have on anything? Microphony in Tubes is a known phenom and based on the vibration modulating the signal, at audio frequencies. But a single wire? what does it modulate? Somebody give me a reasonable expanation.

An empty head is not really empty; it is stuffed with rubbish. Hence the difficulty of forcing anything in to an empty head. ERIC HOFFER QUOTE::
08-20-08: Magfan
I suggest we drop this line. People have many ingrained
Why should we drop this line? It's been a
productive open discussion except for your smug, dogmatic interlopings
touting the junk science of DBT applied to listening
Am I supposed to be ashamed that I try to bring
a little logic and reason to this discussion?
That's an
arrogant assumption--that you're bringing logic and reason and the rest of
us are just stumbling in the dark without your
"enlightenment." You should be ashamed for being an interloping
Somebody tell me WHY
audiophiles are afraid of DBTing?
isn't the word. "Dismissive" or "skeptical" is more like
it, and they're valid conclusions. Double blind testing was formulated for
testing efficacy of medical interventions (mostly medications) versus the
slight boost one might get from the placebo effect. In those cases either the
medication has an effect on the subject under test or it does not. Listening
tests are entirely different. In medication DBT tests, the subject is entirely
passive. No skills are required; results are tested and measured. Not so when
applied to audio. It depends on the subject under test (SUT) having the skill
to discern differences in a high pressure, time-sensitive test for an activity
(listening to music) normally associated with relaxation and non-critical

No one expects wine tasters to produce meaningful results without proper
orientation and training in the art and procedures of wine tasting. Why would
it be any different for discerning differences in audio.

DBTs applied to untrained, unoriented test subjects in audio is nothing but a
parlor trick to obscure meaningful differences that show up consistently in
other circumstances.

The reality is what you hear and enjoy. A test is simply a CONTRIVED way of
attempting to delineate and quantify those differences. Sometimes it works;
sometimes it doesn't. and if it doesn't. it doesn't prove a damn thing.
>>The only explanation is what you hear with your own ears!!<<

Not coincidentally, you hear what you want to hear.

This is true for all tweaks including rocks, clocks, and other forms of snake oil.