Sorry, musicnoise, you have entered a NO SCIENCE zone.
Opinions and feelings are all that count.
BUT, in defense of the no-science crowd, MANY of them HAVE driven Hi-End by stuff they could hear and nobody else could. Engineers and Technicians have spent years catching up to good eared persons and it is NOT clear that they HAVE indeed caught up. The Best designers /executers do have good ears and distinct taste in voicing equipment.
So, that being said, what would the real purpose of DBT be in Hi-end?
That some cables sound Different is pretty established. That they are the be-all / end-all of a system in need of a little help is totally up-for-grabs.
I would like to know a few things::
1. Can people REALLY hear fuses? I don't see how this is possible, but who knows? That I claim my car runs better after being washed is, of course, nutty. Or is it?
2. Is there ANY consensus in a reference system, for those who CAN hear such a difference as to which fuse is 'better'?
3. Can anyone justify 39$ for a fuse? I mean REALLY, even if said fuse cost 10x a std 'littlefuse' to make, that would still make it only a couple bucks retail. I can't help it, when I see something so vastly overpriced, my 'scam' alarm starts ringing. I am perfectly willing to pay small companies a premium and would never begrudge anyone fair profit, but let's get real.