fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Mr I- I can certainly appreciate your concern with regards to protecting your equipment, and the investment represented. It's been my experience that the Germans are quite anal about the quality that they engineer into their products, or I wouldn't have tried them myself. On the other hand- There is a Chinese "Hi-End" fuse out there(can't find the link now) that I wouldn't even consider using, regardless of what agency approved them(also as a result of much experience).

The fact that a product is made in a particular country that has a reputation for good quality does not signify that all the products from that country are better than products from another country. Look at the track record of Mercedes and Lexus. Just an example.

BTW, the HiFi-Tuning fuses I have look well built, so do the ones from China and Taiwan.
After 30 years of inferior materials and craftsmanship in EVERYTHING purchased from ANY Asian country(Japan being the sole exception), I have avoided purchasing ANYTHING from over there, outside of Ginseng and certain medicinal mushrooms(NO- They don't affect my hearing, or have any psycho-active effects). The percentage of defects found in Mercedes and Lexus can't even be compared with the defects found in the garbage imported to these shores(everything from lead tainted foods to counterfeit helicopter parts) from china and taiwan(I save caps for things I respect). If your tastes and inclinations are otherwise: Isn't it nice that we have the freedom to pick our own poisons in this country? What say we allow this thread to return to it's intention(the merits of the Ultra Systems fuses) and ask anyone out there if they have personally experienced, heard about or observed any kind of failure connected to the use of Hi-Fi Tuning fuses.
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Rodman99999, I have to say we agree on this one.

Tvad, I'm not sure if there is a website that has which fuses are UL listed, but I think UL.com may have the list.

mcmaster.com has the certification for each product in the product specs page. Also, the accreditation has to be printed on the product itself and its packaging.

The fuse specs look like this on the mcmaster page:

Available Amps:4
AC Voltage Rating (VAC):250
Fuse Type:Fast-Acting Fuse
Visual Indicator:Without Visual Indicator
Overall Length:1-1/4"
Specifications Met:Underwriters Laboratories (UL)

This link has information on Isoclean fuses:
