Here is my email exchange w/ Acme:
Are your your silver/ceramic fuses 'typical' in their physical design: i.e. a fine wire passing through a ceramic tube? I ask because one of the 'devils' in filament fuses is vibration of the filament. Some designs now have the filament completely embedded in the ceramic or other material to damp vibration, and I wondered if yours are like that?
Hello Neil,
The filament is not embedded but is in a very close tolerance tunnel.
So I still like Roger's sand-filled fuse the best. Unfortunately he only has them in values he uses for his equipment. But these silver cryoed Acmes are starting to sound like a cost effective solution -- especially if one feels (as I do) that the important properties are vibration damping and heat dissipation --- not the use of exotic metals.
Here is my email exchange w/ Acme:
Are your your silver/ceramic fuses 'typical' in their physical design: i.e. a fine wire passing through a ceramic tube? I ask because one of the 'devils' in filament fuses is vibration of the filament. Some designs now have the filament completely embedded in the ceramic or other material to damp vibration, and I wondered if yours are like that?
Hello Neil,
The filament is not embedded but is in a very close tolerance tunnel.
So I still like Roger's sand-filled fuse the best. Unfortunately he only has them in values he uses for his equipment. But these silver cryoed Acmes are starting to sound like a cost effective solution -- especially if one feels (as I do) that the important properties are vibration damping and heat dissipation --- not the use of exotic metals.