fuses - the $39 ones or the 85 cent ones

My Rogue Cronus recently blew a slow blow fuse. I was surfing to find a replacement. The stock fuse is a typical metal end cap, glass and "wire" fuse. The audio emporiums only seemed to offer these $39 German gold plated end wunderkinds. I finally found "normal" fuses from a guitar amp site. Has anyone tried the uber fuses and found the sound better? Hard to understand how it could be. Thanks for any thoughts.
Tbg, Please be more specific: What part of my 'theory' doesn't conform to reality? I don't recall presenting a theory.
Please keep in mind that I was NOT advocating a Faraday Cage for home use and indeed am completely aware of there limits and implementation....If I was in RF research (am not) or in Semiconductor processing (I am) I would have use for one.
For a 'vibrating' fuse wire to effect anything is beyond ludicris (sp?) since the microphony effect everyone is fond of quoting has to do with the emission and reception of electrons in a vacuum tube and the modulation of said emission by the vibration. No such emission and reception exist in a fuse so therefore NO modulation. The time I quoted for an electron being in the fuse wire is based on 1.25" and the speed of light, rounded down. Do the math, please.
Now, can someone Please help me with the magnet thing? I can't for the life of me figure this one out.
Magfan, you say, "I simply can not see how that could effect an electron enough to be audible." This implies a theory. If one hears an impact of the fuse this trumps "not seeing how" it can be true.
Anyone try the HiFi tuning fuses in their subwoofers?..and if so what were the results?