How often do you swap out equipment in general

It seems to me that after a good while of listening, I start getting itchy and start moving
stuff around about every month or so. Do I need to get
some extra strength Gold Bond, or is this normal for "US" ???
I've been pretty good for going on a year. I am still trying to decide which digital player to go to, and will buy the upgraded PSU for my phonostage when it hits near the end of the year. The thought of getting behind the rack and tearing everything down every month or so sounds to much like work to me.
Hardly ever - maybe every two years. I will not swap stuff unless I can audition first. And I've hardly ever auditioned something I prefer over my current set up. That is why I no longer consider my self an audiophile. Turns out I am just a musicphile in search of gear to improve my enjoyment of music - all music, not just audiophile grade recordings. My gear is just a hammer to nail the music.
I get the upgrade itch about 1.5 to 2 years;I always buy used and try to move up in a audible improvement; its a lot of fun and you don't loose a ton of money especially if you can move your used gear on audiogon.
I usually know what I want and I'm rarely in a hurry to get it. I'll typically start looking several months in advance of the purchase, and I almost always buy used. I put together my entire system, except the HDTV, from items purchased off Audiogon.

I did, however, just purchase an Oppo 983 brand new from Oppo. It will be interesting to see if it bests the Denon 3910 I just sold. Boy did I ever have seller's remorse over that piece! I sure hope the Oppo justifies that sale...
