Rowland Model 6 + b&W 804s a good match?


I've been searching threads re Rowland and B&W and found tidbits indicating it is a great match, but then never found much more than tidbits. I'm wondering if anybody here has been able to audition these, or runs such combination. I'm considering JRDG Model 6 for my 804s.

I read referrals from people saying these Rowlands sound a lot like tubes in the mid and higher frequencies. I've auditioned Classe and McIntosh and prefer the latter way better. Many also describe solid state Mac sound as tube-like, so I'm wondering what Rowlands might do for me. Unfortunately there's no place for me to audition these.

Using Model 6's with B&W 804's would be a mismatch -- Model 6's are among the small handful of finest solid-state amps ever made, while B&W 804's are at best an average hi-fi speaker. Model 6's deserve really high-end speakers.

Point taken. I was hoping you would chime in, as I've seen a number of your posts in connection with Model 6.

Would you suggest using Model 2 with the 804s then? Or other Rowland amp? Do you believe Rowland sound is a good match for these speakers?

04-04-08: Raquel
Using Model 6's with B&W 804's would be a mismatch -- Model 6's are among the small handful of finest solid-state amps ever made, while B&W 804's are at best an average hi-fi speaker. Model 6's deserve really high-end speakers.
Raquel (Threads | Answers)

mismatch between amplifier and speaker happens for other reasons and not for reasons indicated above. That statement can not be more untrue.

Get the best amplifier you can afford for your B&Ws. Your 804 are fine speakers and if you pair them with an average amplifier, you will get them to sound average. It is a matter finding a best match. I have N803 and every time I upgraded an amplifier, it felt like I upgraded an entire system. B&Ws are very revealing. They will show you the slightest change you make. Amplifier for B&Ws is one if the most important, if THE most important, components.
If Rowland 6 is what you want and can afford, I can't see why not try it.