EXPERTS: Intg or better amp to improve 2 ch in HT?

Thanks to previous post, I now know what my options are, so now it's time to decide on course of action. Just picked up B&W N803's/HTM1 for my HT system, running through Pioneer VSX49tx rcvr. I really want to get most out of B&W's on 2 channel music, but don't know if I should max out on amplification and use the Pioneer's preamp or get the best musical integrated to run side-by-side for 2 channel. So everyone, what is my best bang on a 3k-4k budget? (BTW, will purchase used to max value). My options are:
1)Integrated with HT bypass or niles amp switcher (ie,Mac 6500/6900, Plinius 9200, Classe, Bryston B100, Krell 400xi, Chord cpm 2600/3300, CODA, Unison, etc)?
2) Two-channel amp for most amplification value?
3) Three-channel amp like Classe 3200 or Bryston 6B so front three have same amplification and sound?

What would you do? And I guess while I'm at it, which amp would you recommend (I like detailed, forward, full, vibrant, you-are-there sound, strong but clear bass, don't care as much about soundstage and don't think
I'd like laid back sound). Thank you !
Integrated for sure. I would add Musical Fidelity to your list, they mate well with the 800 series.
Interesting. Integrated option leading the charge so far. look forward to more opinions.

McFavre4: I'm shocked that the Arcam can compete with the Bryston, Plinius, and the Unison Unico on 2 channel. I looked into Arcam unit briefly online and noticed it didn't have auto calibration, which is one thing I love about the Pioneer. If and when I change out the Pioneer as a processor, I may stick with something like a Classe ssp300 or 600, or an Anthem with room correction, or others like that.

Robr45: Which MF do you recommend? Heard the older TriVista M3 or M5 was a good one.
If auto calibration made it sound better I'd understand the point but I'd rather have the $ spent in the sonics. A simple PN meter will do the job, once set up, it's done. That is where the 350 choose sound over function. I wouldn't change a thing.

Yes, I was suprised too but the Arcam does compete and then some. There is some good print out there on the technology used to keep it as clean as it is in 2CH, pretty neat stuff. It's a stone cold bargain. I have the option to do just what you are doing but found the 350 does both jobs better than the combo options which cost more. Just sold my Unico and the 350 is a good notch above it in sonics, no question. It's quieter, has more bass definition, more focus and a sweeter top end. The B100SST was more resolving but at the expense of musicality which makes no sense at all as it has to be about the music first.
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The Krell KAV-400xi is a good choice for a robust-sounding & powerful Integrated Amp. with "Theater Throughput" for HT use. The KAV-280p/-2250 would be even better with the N803s, delivering lots of power which the B&Ws love. Your budget should cover either option.