Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?

Hi folks (and Jadis aficionados out there), tell me the truth please: do Jadis amplifiers have rolled off treble? Each time I'm listening to one I have this impression. The sound might be glorious (like all Jadis) but... doesn't it sound darker than in real life? Because of this presumed rolled off treble some CD's sound better and overall music sound more pleasant, more like... Jadis.

Chris, which one have you heard?

I don't get this impression, in fact, the opposite, but not in a harsh or bright/shrill way. The words I most use to describe Jadis are romantic, sweet, and musical (probably more of these three than it should be), they're also pretty upfront and engaging. But, as with anything else, with the right tubes, ancillaries, and room, I don't doubt your assertion that things sound dark.
Not trying to sound cavalier but if the music sounds more pleasant then who cares if the amps are rolled off? I have 3 of their amps and what they all do that I love is midrange. Rich, lush, warm midrange.