Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?

Hi folks (and Jadis aficionados out there), tell me the truth please: do Jadis amplifiers have rolled off treble? Each time I'm listening to one I have this impression. The sound might be glorious (like all Jadis) but... doesn't it sound darker than in real life? Because of this presumed rolled off treble some CD's sound better and overall music sound more pleasant, more like... Jadis.

Not trying to sound cavalier but if the music sounds more pleasant then who cares if the amps are rolled off? I have 3 of their amps and what they all do that I love is midrange. Rich, lush, warm midrange.
Chris, are you using one with your sound labs? If so, it would explain the high freq. roll off. A lot of tube amps without a tertiary feedback winding will roll off the highs. I agree with Loki1957, but not on electrostats. 'Stats need the power in the highs, not the lows. For your Soundlabs, try a Mac 275 or and EAR 509 or the new Cary that uses 4 kt88's as all of them have the feedback taken off of a third winding which exhibits less phase issues from the capacitive load presented by the electrostatic speakers. Those amps may not have the power you need, but work fine on a Quad 63/988/2908 ect. I am sure that there are others out there. To put into perspective, my EAR 509 (100 w) just cruises along with the Quads, yet the Quads bring my ARC D 250 to it's knees (250 w). I haven't tried the EAR 509 on the A-3's as of yet as I have a repair issue needing to be dealt with. Presently I am using Parasound JC-1's. I have a Defy 7 that is just magical (although tilted towards the mids) on cone speakers.

Ps: Sorry for not having gotten back to you before. I've been slammed at work, and income taxes were just due here in the states- ugh... Feel free to email me about your A-1's as I have just recently purchased a set of A-3's.

Yes Jadis amplifiers sounds nice & romantic but has nothing to do with REAL SOUND !
it is simply romantic sound and that is all.
Yes it is on the warm side, you like it or you do not like it.
CJ is lesser warm in sound, but has another kind of golden fluid stereo typed coloured non natural sound als not found in real live music.
The accurate amplifier should show romantic emotions in an accurate uncoloured breathing way, this is only up to the very very top end of solid state power-amps(very expensive)