Jadis amplifiers: rolled off treble?

Hi folks (and Jadis aficionados out there), tell me the truth please: do Jadis amplifiers have rolled off treble? Each time I'm listening to one I have this impression. The sound might be glorious (like all Jadis) but... doesn't it sound darker than in real life? Because of this presumed rolled off treble some CD's sound better and overall music sound more pleasant, more like... Jadis.

I have heard lots of Jadis gear and never felt like the top end was rolled off. Natural, yes; rolled off, no.

Like any tube amps - and especially so for those without feedback - the speaker/amp interaction is everything. Choose the wrong speaker and you will never know what the amp can do.

I have the 88S and tried it with Avalon speakers and quads. I used a spectral analyser and the frequency resposne is similar to other SS amps I ahve used.
hi chris:

if you reduce treble energy, you will lose resolution. it is necessary to decide which is more important, a pleasant, euphonic sound, or resolution.

regarding jadis products, i have heard the defy 7 mk 1 and the ja 80. i enjoy listening to them because, they can be very forgiving of less than ideal recordings.
"i enjoy listening to them because, they can be very forgiving of less than ideal recordings." I agree completely, Mrtennis.

My DA60 is difficult to describe, as I can't really call it sweet or euphonic, but it seems to always make the music sound great. I realize that isn't "accurate", whatever "accurate" is, but one is left enjoying the music to the point of not caring.

Going back to the original question of the thread, I thought about some of the recordings played over the year, and despite the above comment about making even bad recordings sound good, I've most probably been able to dig more of the treble out with my Jadis amps (Orchestra Reference, DA30, and DA60) than any other amp I've tried. Cymbals can be majestic, but, flute, piccolo, triangles, etc. come through in a way that I think I have yet to hear eclipsed. The only amp I can think of to put in the same conversation is the Consonance Cyber 300B PSE (none of our other amps approach this) that I represent as the importer/distributor.

Chris, one other thing I can say is that in my experience, a Jadis is more reflective of its output and driver tubes than any other tube amplifier I've been around. It gives you a tremendous amount of power in terms of altering the sound, but you have to really work through a lot of combinations to find the ideal match for you - mine is Sylvania 5751 Triple Mica Black Plate drivers in the 12AX7 driver position, with JJ E34L output tubes. For whatever reason, I've found the preamplifier tubes don't yield nearly the same level of impact.
Previously owned Ja30´s and se300b and listened ja-80´s and ja-200´s.
IMHO all the Jadis with pentodes sounds rolled off on the top in comparison with the triode based ones.
In a direct comparison between a ja-80 and a cary AE805 the highs of the jadis appeared anemic .
On the other hand the jadis sound is outstanding and no matter the roll of is real or not , just listen and enjoy it.