How to evaluate amps that are not broken in?

I'm expecting to demo Belles and JoLida amps next week at home, and both units are new. Can I assume that if I like the sound of an amp now, I will like it just as much after it's broken in? How does one account for this variable when trying to decide if a new piece of gear will be synergistic with one's system? Thanks!
>>Doesn't it seem odd that "break in" always seems to result in an improvement, never a change for the worse?<<

Which brings into discussion the emotion or mood at any particular listening session. I have no doubt that, to a certain extent, components change due to various electrical factors but not quite as much as these threads, some manufacturers, and some dealers would have you believe.

However, IMO, our current state of mind i.e. a good (bad) day at work, an argument with the spouse, a good game of golf, a lousy meal, time of day, etc. etc. play a much larger role in our evaluation of any listening session than minor changes in the components.

Break in is mostly due to our ears acclimating to the new component not the component undergoing some incredible transformation.

Or not.
Audiofeil is right on in my experience! Acclimation of the human ear and mood are my 2 most important break-in variables. I have never seen/heard in my 35+ years in the hobby a component of mine change significantly enough to really make a strong claim about break in. You know sometimes you listen to your system and think it's magic....I'll never change a thing! And other times its just OK. It's probably not the components. I agree warm up probably makes a difference as I suppose everything settles and becomes more stable but it is still not real significant. Just my opinion. It certainly makes for good conversation among us audionuts.

I've got a friend who is just becoming an audiophile and he bought his first high end cables and declared "I think I already hear a difference but maybe it's just in my head."..and I said what does it matter!!!
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(Bill ,Tvad)


Finally a voice of reason

If, let's say a $10,000 cdp sounds like $3000 cdp out of the box
and manufacture claims/says it will take 800hrs for full burn-in process to get the best of it..........well, if you listen for about 3hrs a day it will take about 9 mounts of anticipation, confusion, insecurity.

And hear the first scream, first cry and you love it.

It is a boy!!!!