Preamp help needed - max $ 2500

The sound im looking for " Vocals and instruments have a truer, more natural tonal balance, realistic timbre; the sound projecting into the listening room with increased spatial qualities."
I would add the Aesthetix Calypso. Has all the qualities you seek, plus balanced/RCA inputs, outputs and 2 sets of outputs.
I would look at VAC, used. Its tubes and its great, besides the fact that they don't break. VAC lets the music through as well as some and better than most, IMHO. Great detail, musicality and naturalness of the sound. Kevin is also great to deal with for tips and pointers.
Audio Horizons TP 2.1 or the new Dodd pre amp.At their respective price points you can't surpass the performance.Both outshine the Calypso,and let me be clear,they did in my system.