Ultra high resolution

Hi folks, I suppose this is a question none could answer appropriately. How come that some (there are to my knowledge only two of them) amplifier brands are building such ultra high resolution solid state amplifiers without having a treble that sounds shrill or piercing or artificial? It is of course proprietary info if you ask those manufacturers.
Is it because of very tight selection of matched transistors? Is it because lack of global but high level of local feedback? Is it because of the use of very expensive military grade parts? Is it because of the power supply? Is it because of the application of special circuit design? Is it because all of the above?

Hah, I ordered "Twist of Motown" this morning, plus another Grusin album and a Ritenour.

I agree with your bi-amping, but think it's guilding the lilly in many cases. My speaker crossover doesn't allow either bi-amp or bi-wire, so it's a mute point for me.

I don't really need the watts for loudness, but to control the woofers in my floorstanding speakers. I've found that the combination of high wattage and high damping factor are really needed to control the physical ringing in larger speakers and keep that all-important bass under control.

Rodman99999, I also have many artists you mentioned above - some in both CD and Vinyl. bought and collected when I was heavily in to smooth jazz and New age music. Here in LA another collection was available on Wave Aid series of CDs released by KWAV 94.7 FM.- A very good well matched (volume and tempo wise) compilation also.
Hah, I ordered "Twist of Motown" this morning, plus another Grusin album and a Ritenour.

If you don't yet have Dave Grusin's Homage to Duke then you are missing an absolute GEM!!! One of the best recordings out there bar none.
Yeah, I love the Duke Homage album. I've had it a long time. Thanks for mentioning it.

I must second both Shadorne & Dcstep... Homage To Duke is still one of the best recordings ever to my ears, and long-term reference...

Anybody tried Joey DeFrancesco's "Singin' And Swingin'"...??? Far the best recorded organ, ever!!!