Help with finding ultra-transparent pre-amp

I got a new player, Wadia 581i SE, and once I hooked it up directly to amps I realized that my pre-amp is not transparent enough.
To make a long story short, I would like to find a very transparent pre-amp to be inserted between player and amps (no coloration, no shift in tonality, and no loss in dynamics, micro or macro), that would result in a sound indistinguishable from the sound of my player going directly to amps.
Essentially I want a wire with attenuation control. Balanced connectivity is preferred.
I tried a transformers based passive pre-amp (it was a custom, very well executed job), result was not good, not only that it killed dynamics and resulted in a dull and uninteresting sound, but transparency was in fact worse in comparison with my present pre-amp.
Is there such a transparent pre-amp, or it is just a pipe dream?
The cost is of course to be considered, I would not go for anything that is more than let’s say 3.5K, new or used.
I have been reading about Placette (resistor based), has anyone had any experience using it in a system that has very resolving front end?
The rest of my system:
Bryston BP26 pre-amp
Bryston 7B SST amps
PMC IB2 speakers
Direct drive is better than through mediocre pre but a superior pre will beat direct drive every time. My dcs stacks sound excellent driving my power amps directly but improve much further with a Boulder 1010 pre. Look for the balanced tube pre such as atma mp3 or asthetix calypso or Modwright 36.5.
I have expereinced the same thing with a GNSC modified 850. The most transparent I have heard was an Audiopax per-amp. Although I did not take it home to try in my system, I spent a few hours with it at a shop in NH. I could not hear any clear difference between the system with the pre in or with the Wadia direct. In my system, the best I have heard is the Pass X1, which accentuates the midrange a bit, which could be good opr bad depending on system matching. I have not been able to identify drop in resolution due to the digital volume control, although it is difficult to tell due to the change in percieved sound as volume changes. My experience has been that the drop in resolution due to adding a preamp is quite obvious, more so than anything the DVC does. I have not tried an AtmaSphere pre-amp, though.
I disagree with Tvad..............the Lamm LL2 Deluxe is one of the best preamp when using 1950's black sable mullard tubes and all the Vishay caps are replace with Vcaps TFTF/OIMP and Mundorf silver/gold caps. Those who have not heard a Lamm LL2 Deluxe with these modifictions are missing out on an extreme preamp at its best. Check out my system and you will see what it takes to make a great system much greater by ten fold.
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Tvad, sorry you took this personal, I am only telling Sashav that the Lamm LL2 Deluxe can be a good choice and not to rule it out because of one negative thread. If you don't like what I have said, then take a hike and leave your thoughts out of this forum.
Sashav, good luck on finding the right preamp. I have had many high end preamps and I have found this LL2 deluxe to be just as good as most very high end preamp as a stock preamp and at a very reasonable price. With the modifications that I have done on this LL2 Deluxe, it will be very hard to find any stock preamp to out perform this preamp.