Best Preamp $2,000.00 budget

I need a tube preamp and would like to know what would be a good (used) buy for around $2,000.00 or so.

Power amp is a 300B Audio Note.
I recently got a Sebring 300B from Ultra Fi and I have been doing a similar search. The one's that have got my interest are Artemis Labs, Music First, & a DIY from Slagle autoformer's. Finance's arn't there yet for me, so I haven't auditioned any of them. Like to hear what you go with & how it works out.

I let a Mercury get away at $1600.00 last week. I sold a UV-2 at the end of '06 (never used it)and it was hard to unload (with remote) at $1600.00. No resale value for DeHavilland sad to say. But I still think both would be worth a try.
No brainer,Audio Horizons TP 2.1 or a 2.0,I believe there is a TP 2.0 with all the options available on this site.If you require some more particulars on this outstanding pre amp e-mail me privately.