Best Preamp $2,000.00 budget

I need a tube preamp and would like to know what would be a good (used) buy for around $2,000.00 or so.

Power amp is a 300B Audio Note.
conrad johnson premier 14 or 17ls series 1 either one used if you can find one.
Modwright SWL 9.0 Signature Edition - tube power supply - see the review in the latest issue of The Absolute Sound - this is a killer preamp
Mark and Gammajo are spot on. The Audio Horizons TP 2.1 is outstanding. I optioned for the black faceplate over the silver and the remote as well (you can add features later if you so desire) The base entry TP 2.1 is incredible.
..a used entry level 'first sound' would be my choice.emanual go makes superb preamps..line level only