ASR Emitter owners,What speakers are you using?

I recently purchased an ASR Emitter Exclusive One.

What I am looking for is a full range speaker system up to $20,000.

They must excel with vocals and acoustic instruments.

Thank you for your time.
Certainly many Quad owners here, but ASR is another matter. I live in Europe (Switzerland) where ASR are likely far less expensive than in the US; still, the brand is pretty confidential even here. An Emitter is on Ebay France since many days and did'nt attract even one is not Mcintosh, Krell or Levinson, not to speak of Marantz and Denon.
I am not an expert in listening and probably don't have golden ears, but I'll compare the ASR and my Manley monoblocks (now out for revision, and to be sold probably...) on the Quads; Ill try and write what I hear.
Certainly many Quad owners here, but ASR is another matter. I live in Europe (Switzerland) where ASR are likely far less expensive than in the US; still, the brand is pretty confidential even here. An Emitter is on Ebay France since many days and did'nt attract even one is not Mcintosh, Krell or Levinson, not to speak of Marantz and Denon.
I am not an expert in listening and probably don't have golden ears, but I'll compare the ASR and my Manley monoblocks (now out for revision, and to be sold probably...) on the Quads; Ill try and write what I hear.
The Emitter Exclusive battery powered preamp version is the one to own. You need a strong back including a well built rack...

Regarding your Quad 2805s.

Your electrostats maybe safer and sound much better using your Manley mono blocks instead of a Emitter, Im guessing.

Your ears were good enough to tell you these are great speakers.

Set up of your Quads in your room is[ critical ].
They need room to breathe. Your ears will tell you immediately when you find that spot.

I would find this sweet spot with your Manleys driving them before looking at other amplifiers.

Don't get too hung up with brand names.

A wide range of vacuum tube amps capable of making Quads sing are all over the World.

You could try out some European vintage tube amps ,Siemens, Telefunken , Philips Just to name a few, including British made tube amps.
I'm sure there are also vintage Swiss made tube amps that I am not aware of.
Something to think about.
I own an Emitter I exclusive and have run it with several speakers Coincident, Chario, SA. It sounds great with any of them. My favorites thusfar are the System Audio Explorers and the System Audio Rangers. These speakers are amazing for the price and the Emitter likes them. I also heard that they work great with Wilson speakers or Nola speakers.
Lot of contenders to go with the Emitter, thats for sure.

For twenty plus years I have always used two sets of speakers depending on my mood of music for that day.
Magnepan and Quad and just recently Quad and Dynaudio.

What I will be looking for this summer is a full range speaker with attributes of the Quad electrostats and Magnepan speakers.
Truth of timbre, coherence, transient speed,shocking transparency ect.

However first step is to take delivery of my Raven table and get it dialed in , then the hunt will begin.My table should arrive this week....
Thank you for your response